​InSAR-based Vertical Land Motion at San Francisco Bay Area.
Vertical Land Motion across San Francisco Bay as shown in Fig 2 of Shirzaei and Bürgmann (2018) Science Advances.
The SAR data sets spanning from 13 July 2007 to 17 October 2010 include 32, 24, and 19 images in descending (incidence angle = 23°, heading angle = 193°) and ascending (incidence angle = 23°, heading angle = 350°) orbits of Envisat C-band satellite and ascending (incidence angle = 34.5°, heading angle = 350°) orbit of ALOS L-band satellite, respectively. The data set is processed using WabinSAR algorithm. See citations below for details.
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​World's Coast Vertical Land Motion
Vertical Land Motion Along the world's coast as shown in Fig 3 of Shirzaei et al. (2021) Nature Reviews.
The estimated rate of land subsidence at coastal areas observed by using global navigation satellite system networks within the IGS14 reference frame. Note that these rates are likely a lower bound on the actual subsidence rate in several cases, owing to the absence of shallow signals.
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Vertical Land Motion along California coast
Vertical Land Motion along California Coast as a combination of InSAR and GNSS observations.
The SAR datasets spanning 2007–2018 include acquisitions from Sentinel-1A/B C-band satellite in descending and ascending orbit geometry and ALOS L-band satellite in ascending orbit geometry. The data set is processed using WabInSAR algorithm. See citations below for details.
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Line-of-Sight surface deformation rate at New York from Sentinel-1 SAR interferometric time series analysis
Line-of-Sight surface deformation rate at New York. The SAR data sets spanning from 2015/03/12 to 2022/08/26 include 183 images in ascending (incidence angle = ~38.9°, heading angle = ~347°) orbits of the Sentinel-1 C-band satellite. The data set is processed using WabInSAR algorithm. See citations below for details.
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Line-of-Sight surface deformation rate at New Orleans from Sentinel-1 SAR interferometric time series analysis
Line-of-Sight surface deformation rate in New Orleans. The SAR data sets spanning from 2017/02/27 to 2023/06/20 include 173 images in ascending (incidence angle = ~38.9°, heading angle = ~347°) orbits of the Sentinel-1 C-band satellite. The data set is processed using the WabInSAR algorithm.
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Surface deformation at City of Derna Libya from Sentinel-1 satellite
Surface deformation rate in the City of Derna, Libya. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets spanning from 20160608 to 20230912 [YYYYMMDD] are derived from 214 images from ascending orbits of the Sentinel-1 C-band satellite. Reference system: IGS14. The dataset is processed using the WabInSAR algorithm.
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